RT-1 プロジェクト (RT-1 project)


The RT-1 project is a unique project conceived as a basic experimental research linking natural science research and fusion energy development. The central theme of the project is the various effects produced by high velocity flows in plasmas. Plasmas with high velocity flows show a stable state with extremely high pressure. Such structures have been observed in Jupiter’s magnetosphere and jets from the central nucleus of active galaxies, but the mechanism is still unclear. The goal of this project is to generate fast-flowing plasma in a laboratory system and to realize a plasma state with extremely high pressure by elucidating the mechanism of structure formation. If this can be achieved, there is a possibility of realizing advanced fusion using D-He3 nuclear combustion. Non-neutral plasma confinement using a stable and steady-state magnetic field with a levitated superconducting inner conductor enables highly efficient generation of antimatter plasmas and highly ionized ion plasmas, which will lead to advanced research in high-energy materials science.