プラズマ計測開発 (Development of plasma diagnostics)




Plasma measurement and control are indispensable to realize nuclear fusion. In our laboratory, we are developing measurement methods for relatively low temperature plasmas (0.1-10 eV) in the boundary region of fusion reactors using electrostatic probing, Thomson scattering using lasers, and spectroscopy, and are performing detailed measurements using a divertor simulator.


関連論文 (Related publication)

[1] S Kajita, D Nishijima, K Fujii, G Akkermans, H van der Meiden
Application of multiple regression for sensitivity analysis of helium line emissions to the electron density and temperature in Magnum-PSI
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 63 (2021), 055018
[2] S Kajita, H Ohshima, H Tanaka, M Seki, H Takano, N Ohno
Spatial and temporal measurement of recombining detached plasmas by laser Thomson scattering
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 28 (2019), 105015